STAFF   Here to help and serve you however we can

  • Pastor Dave

    PASTOR David Griebel     Vacancy and Lead Pastor

    Pastor Griebel has been serving as Trinity's vacancy pastor since June 2024. We are thrilled to announce that Pastor Griebel has accepted Trinity's call as our permanent head pastor, beginning in January 2025.


  • tamra schaaf     music director

    Tammy has been the organist at Trinity for twelve years and also leads the adult choir and handbell group. She received a bachelors degree in music education from Ball State University. She has one daughter and one son and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren in Fort Wayne.


  • cristel boedecker     secretary

    I last served as a church secretary in 2011 at the Lutheran Church of Guam and I am glad to be working in the church again. My husband, Ben, our son Barnabas, and I are members of Suburban Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Barnabas is homeschooled, so if you visit the church office during the week, you might hear him practicing organ or see him helping Marilyn in the thrift store.

    EMAIL Cristel

  • carla davis     business director

    After 33 years as the Business Office Director for Concordia Lutheran High School, I finally decided to retire to spend more time with with my church family and my husband, Doug. We have two children and two grandsons who live in Virginia. Fairly regularly I answer the calls made by the beaches on the gulf coast of Florida, but I always come back to my Lutheran friends and family here in Fort Wayne. And because I don't want to retire, I enjoy doing the same things for Trinity as I did for Concordia those many years.


  • marilyn reidenbach     thrift store manager

    I have been taking good care of our thrift store for years. I love serving customers when our doors are open, and enjoy managing a dedicated group of volunteers behind the scenes when the store is closed.