• SERVICES   In person, in the parking lot, or online

We would be thrilled to have you join us in worship, however you're most comfortable. The information below will give you an idea of where and when we worship, what we believe, what you can expect, and how we can best help you worship and grow in your faith.

we are a member of the lutheran church missouri synod

worship in person   days • times • location

Calendar   SATURDAYS at 5pm

Calendar   SUNDAYS at 9:30am

Alternate Map Marker   1636 St. Marys Ave. Ft. Wayne, Indiana

We invite you to join us in person, in the parking lot,  and/or worship online with us. We're a small family of Christ followers that simply want to love our Lord and worship him with all we've got. Our services tend to be more traditional in style while being very practical in application. You can expect around 100 or so worshippers, beautiful pipe organ music, and a message from God's Word that you can take home and live out through the week.

what to expect when you worship with us

We warmly welcome you to join our family for any of our worship services, Bible studies, or other events we have throughout the week. Our parking lot is just behind the church off Huffman Street where you can come in through the closest door. One of our ushers will greet you, show you where to go, and how to use our elevator should you need it. This is also the same entrance you would use to come to our church offices, drop off your kids at our preschool, or shop at our thrift store.  

As far as our dress, you're welcome to be comfortable casual or dress up a little. It's likely youl'll see some of both.

Children are welcomed and encouraged to attend our worship services with their families.  We love having children in our worship and the Pastor will share a Children message just for them during the service.  We have activity bags at the entrance to our sanctuary that will help include them in the experience.  If you or your child needs it, there is a fellowship room just off our sanctuary with a TV monitor that streams our service and toys for your kids to play with.

All worship services are published and archived on Facebook.

A handicap accessible restroom is also available just off the sanctuary on the main level.

what we believe and how it impacts our worship

We believe God is good and worthy of our worship.

We believe fellowship strengthens our faith and encourages us throughout the week.

We believe the Bible is true, authoritative, and practical for every person for every single day.

We delight in knowing God hears our worship and is pleased when we bring a sacrifice of praise.

In the Lutheran tradition, we believe and teach that we are saved solely by God’s grace through faith. This teaching points us to Jesus who is our Lord and Savior. We come to faith through God’s Word and the working of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is one part of the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit which we acknowledge and rely upon throughout our journey of faith.

We invite you to contact us for more information either through email or by calling the church office to fully explain our beliefs and to help answer any questions you may have.  We also encourage you to click the link below which will take you to our Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Headquarters site.


We'd be humbled to pray for you.

If you have a special concern to be offered today,

or are grateful for how God has blessed you in a particular way,

please click on our completely confidential email address provided below and
let us know how we can pray for you.


private confession and communion with pastor DavE

Private Confession and Communion is available at the church. Please email Pastor Dave (or call our church office at 260-422-7931) if you would like to arrange a time to meet with Pastor Dave in our Sanctuary. 

While we seek God's forgiveness every week in our worship services, you may feel a need to confidentially confess your sin and take communion. We offer this to anyone who needs it and those that are not able to attend our weekly gatherings.